Title Mokinių akademinės veiklos pokyčiai nuotolinio ugdymo metu: vaikų, tėvų ir mokytojų perspektyva /
Translation of Title Academic activity changes during distance education from perspectives of children, parents and teachers.
Authors Laminceva, Marija
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Pages 76
Abstract [eng] In 2020 the coronavirus was declared a global pandemic. The quarantine announced due to the pandemic had a strong impact on educational processes and academic activities. This situation is an ongoing process in which the impact and consequences are questioned. This paper investigates the impact of pandemic and quarantine on academic activities conducted remotely from different perspectives: children, parents, and teachers. In this study, 48 participants answers were collected and analyzed, including 16 pupils, 14 parents, and 18 teachers. Subjects participated in individual or focus groups in a semi-structured interview. The data were analyzed by thematic analysis by Braun and Clarke (2006) in six stages. Data analysis was performed with MAXQDA-2022 software for qualitative and mixed methods data analysis. Changes in the academic activity during distance education are revealed by four topics. The results revealed changes in the use of teaching methods, learning load, student motivation, independence, dishonesty, parental involvement in children's learning, and the positive aspects and challenges of distance learning.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022