Title Mokytojų dėmesingo įsisąmoninimo, esminių psichologinių poreikių bei mokinius (ne)motyvuojančio mokytojo elgesio sąsajos /
Translation of Title Links between teachers’ mindfulness, basic psychological needs and (de)motivating teaching behaviour towards students.
Authors Pakalnytė, Emilija
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Pages 103
Abstract [eng] The present study aimed to know more about teachers' mindfulness in the classroom setting. It was hypothesised that teachers' mindfulness could be linked to basic needs support or frustration at work and (de)motivating teaching behaviour. Furthermore, a question about whether the teachers' mindfulness could predict their (de)motivating teaching behaviour with students was raised. This study involved teachers working with students from 5th to 12th grades from all over Lithuania. The age of the teachers ranged from 23 to 70 years, 87% of whom were women and 12% men. Instruments used in the study: Teacher Measure of Experienced Mindfulness in the Classroom (Rickert et al., 2020), Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale - Work Domain (Chen et al., 2015) and Situations in School questionnaire (SIS) (Aelterman et al., 2018). Results confirmed significant relationships among all the variables. It was found that teachers' competence satisfaction can predict their state of mindfulness in the classroom and that frustration of their needs can predict state interfering with mindfulness. Teachers' mindfulness thus appears to predict motivating teaching styles and mindfulness antithesis predicted teachers' demotivating behaviour towards students. It is expected that findings of this work could encourage schools' administrations to create working environments in which teachers would have a possibility to support their basic psychological needs and to seek possibilities for implementing mindfulness practices for teachers.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022