Title Ryšio tarp frontalinės alfa asimetrijos ir emocinio reguliavimo vertinimas /
Translation of Title Assessment of the relationship between frontal alpha asymmetry and emotional regulation.
Authors Kravčenko, Julija
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Pages 58
Abstract [eng] Emotion regulation is a process through which people modulate the experience and expression of emotions. An extremely limited number of studies aimed to analyze the interaction between emotion regulation and frontal alpha asymmetry. This thesis aimed to evaluate the relationship between emotion regulation and frontal alpha asymmetry depending on sex hormone levels and individual characteristics. 96 (18 to 35 years old) women participated in research where a resting state electroencephalogram was recorded before and after an emotion regulation task. Participants were divided into groups according to their hormonal status: women who use oral contraceptives, women who have an intrauterine device, women in the follicular phase of the natural menstrual cycle, and women in the luteal phase of the natural menstrual cycle. Concentrations of sex steroid hormones in female saliva were examined to confirm hormonal status. The distribution of FAA in the general group of women and the association of this parameter with individual characteristics (personality traits, emotion regulation habits, fatigue, emotional arousal, alexithymia, anxiety, positive and negative affect) and emotional regulation task performance were assessed. It was found that the performance of the emotion regulation task depended on frontal alpha asymmetry. In the more active right hemisphere group, the stronger hemisphere polarity was associated with a lower subjective perception of negativity when observing images. The relationships between frontal alpha asymmetry and the performance of the emotion regulation task were modulated by the openness to experience and conscientiousness, fatigue and emotional arousal, negative affect, testosterone concentration, relatively more active hemisphere polarity and hormonal status.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022