Title Galvos smegenų funkcinio junglumo pokyčiai depresijos gydymo įtakoje /
Translation of Title Changes of functional brain connectivity during depression treatment.
Authors Margarjana, Gajane
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Pages 70
Abstract [eng] Granger theorem-based methods of functional brain connectivity research are used to assess brain connectivity disorder. One such way is the determination of the directed transfer function, the results of which can be presented by depicting the model of the brain with the presented electroencephalography (EEG) registration points, through which the areas of bioelectric activity and directions of activity transfer are defined. Such a model includes all EEG channels and their connections. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is used as an alternative treatment for medical treatment when exposure to chemical antidepressants is not enough to achieve remission. The combination of TMS and EEG allows to study changes in brain connectivity in a non-invasive way. After assessing functional brain connectivity in depressed patients before and after treatment, it was found that the connectivity of resistant patients was more pronouncedly different from that of healthy subjects than in drug-treated (non-resistant) patients with directed transfer function. These differences in the TMS group before and after treatment in relation to the control group may be a sign of resistance to treatment. The largest changes in connectivity were also identified in each group when assessing the EEG frequency bands.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022