Title Sovietinio piliečio normalizavimas: hipių vaizdavimas lietuviškoje periodinėje spaudoje aštuntojo dešimtmečio pradžioje /
Translation of Title Normalisation of the soviet citizen: the portrayal of hippies in the lithuanian periodical press in the early 1970s.
Authors Dzilbutė, Karolina
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Pages 61
Abstract [eng] Since the beginning of hippie subculture in the United States in the 1960s, this informal movement has been opposing the dominant discourse and developing its own. Main motives of this subculture are to change the direction of the established social worldview and to create its own, as to defy traditional authorities, dress differently, grow long hair, spread pacifist ideas and so on. This emerging community gained popularity all over the world, including Soviet Union. The more prominent gathering of Soviet hippies was the informal youth movement, Kaunas' Spring protests, which may have increased the distrust of hippies and the hippie movement among the press. This paper will be divided into three parts. The first part will be theoretical, and will look into Foucault's processes of normalisation, discipline, discourse, and how this affects Soviet citizens. Foucault is interested in how the citizens of the state become submissive under the influence of certain institutions. The second part is methodological, it will use the principles of critical discourse analysis by linguist Norman Fairclough, who also relied on Foucault's theories and methods of application. Critical discourse analyses of linguist Teun A. Van Dijk will also be used in this work. The third part of the thesis is Lithuanian periodicals from 1970 till 1974, during this time the first written texts and cartoons about hippie personalities, their principles of thinking and communication, social roles and everyday life are discovered. Three magazines will be devoted for this - the daily newspaper “Komjaunimo tiesa”, the youth magazine “Jaunimo Gretos”, and the satirical magazine “Šluota”.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022