Title Senėjančios visuomenės įtaka ekonominiam augimui ir viešiesiems finansams /
Translation of Title The impact of aging society on economic growth and public finances.
Authors Dagil, Violeta
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Pages 68
Abstract [eng] 64 pages, 17 figures, 23 tables, 69 references The aim of this study is to assess the impact of an aging population on economic growth and public finances. The work consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusions and recommendations. The analysis of the literature revealed that the main factors of population aging are the decrease in birth rates and mortality. Population migration processes can also have a short-term effect. The results of studies conducted by various authors have shown that there is no consensus on the negative impact of aging on public finances. On the one hand, the growing number of older people is forcing the state to devote more resources to meeting its social obligations. This includes higher spending on health care, social care, social security, and so on. t. However, on the other hand, increasing labor productivity and the rapid development of digitalisation allow older people to participate in the labor market for longer and to some extent to take care of themselves. Economic growth has been found not to have a significant impact on population growth, but on public health expenditure. The most suitable model for the analysis of the impact of population aging on public expenditure on social needs is the model of regression analysis of random effects panel data, it has been established that population aging does not affect public expenditure on social needs. The method of estimating the effects of regression analysis of random effects on panel data was used to analyze the impact of the aging rate on public expenditure on health care. It was found that the change in the share of the population aged 65 and over in the total population has a statistically significant effect on the change in the share of public expenditure in health care in the gross domestic product.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022