Title Ryšys tarp organizacijos emocinio klimato, gyvavimo ciklo ir lyderystės stiliaus /
Translation of Title The relationship between the organization's emotional climate, life cycle and leadership style.
Authors Stravinskaitė, Živilė
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Pages 75
Abstract [eng] The climate of an organisation and its manager are key components of the success of an organisation. The ability of the manager to make the right decisions for the life cycle of the organisation and to create a motivating environment for their team helps to achieve better results. The aim of the work was to identify the life cycle of an organisation in terms of its emotional climate, based on the Adizes' methodology, and to determine the presence or absence of a link between leadership style and the emotional climate of the organisation. The thesis consists of 3 main parts: an analysis of the literature, a description of the research methodology and results, and conclusions and recommendations. The theoretical part of the thesis discusses the concept of organisational climate and its determinants, the relationship between the organisational life cycle and the emotional climate of the organisation, and the relationship between leadership style, the organisational life cycle, and the emotional climate. The author of this thesis conducted a quantitative study in 8 organisations of different types to determine the relationship between the emotional climate of the organisation, the life cycle, and leadership style. The study was limited to the identification of 3 leadership styles — transactional, transformational and laissez-faire — and the life cycles of organisations were divided into two parts — growing and ageing organisations. The study showed that leadership style can have a significant impact on the emotional climate of an organisation: a transformational leadership style improves the emotional climate in ageing organisations, while a transactional one worsens it. Liberal leadership is not a factor in the emotional climate as an organisation ages, but its application in growing organisations can worsen the emotional climate. The study also showed that the emotional climate of an organisation has an impact on the life cycle of an organisation, but it is not statistically significantly correlated with the life cycle of the organisation: even in an ageing organisation, employees can feel emotionally well. The impact of transformational leadership on the emotional climate is independent of the lifecycle of the organisation and has a positive impact on both growing and ageing organisations. There is no statistical correlation between the leadership style of a manager and the life cycle of an organisation, but the wrong leadership style can lead an organisation into a negative life cycle. The relationship between the organisation, the lifecycle of the emotional climate of the organisation and the leadership style of the manager will help managers to choose the right leadership style for the lifecycle of the organisation and to achieve the organisational goals more successfully.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022