Title Įsitraukimo į darbą medijuojantis poveikis ryšiui tarp darbuotojų įgalinimo ir jų individualių darbo rezultatų moderuojant skirtingoms darbuotojų kartoms /
Translation of Title The mediating effect of work engagement on the relationship between employee empowerment and their individual work performance when a moderator is different generations.
Authors Urbelionis, Tomas
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Pages 152
Abstract [eng] The thesis consists of 82 pages, 25 tables, 12 figures and 163 references. The aim of this paper is to establish the relationship between empowerment, work engagement and individual work performance in relation to generational differences X, Y and Z. The thesis consists of the following parts: literature review, research methodology, presentation of the results and conclusions and recommendations. A literature review has been carried out to explore the concepts, origins and dimensions of empowerment, work engagement and individual work performance. It also describes the impact of these factors on organisations and their employees. The following part of the literature review looks at the concepts and differences between generations X, Y and Z. The theoretical part concludes with a description of the links between the phenomena, describing previous research carried out by the authors which has established the links between the phenomena. The methodology section of the study presents the author's newly developed research model, which is designed to investigate the mediating effect of work engagement on the relationship between psychological empowerment of employees and individual work performance in moderating different generations of employees. The aims, objectives, hypotheses and process of the study are outlined. The research part of the study looked at data collected from 462 respondents to a survey. The questionnaires were checked for reliability and the data were evaluated for parametric validity. Mean response rates were also compared by demographic characteristics of the respondents, and regression analyses were performed to identify relationships between the components. Finally, a moderating mediator analysis was performed. The literature analysis and empirical study have led to conclusions and practical recommendations for organisations to consider. In interpreting the results of the study, it is also worth noting the limitations of the study, as the questionnaires were collected by non-probability convenience sampling, with respondents completing the questionnaires online. Respondents may also have experienced a lack of objectivity in assessing their own negative behaviour at work.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022