Title Organizacinės kultūros poveikis darbuotojų įsipareigojimui organizacijai moderuojant nacionalinei kultūrai. Švedijos ir Lietuvos analizė /
Translation of Title Moderation effect of national culture on the impact of organizational culture on employee commitment to the organization. analysis of sweden and lithuania.
Authors Užpelkytė, Augustė
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Pages 82
Abstract [eng] The purpose of this research is to determine whether national culture affects the relationship between organizational culture and organizational commitment. The analysis of the literature showed that organizational culture is undoubtedly influenced by the culture present in the countries based on the habits, beliefs, traditions of employees. The prior research shows that the motivation and efficiency of employees, also, the results of the company can depend on the organizational culture. The commitment of employees is also widely studied which gives a lot of valuable information to employers by how employees dedicated to their work and how to properly motivate them. Nowadays with the increasing globalization, the development of the companies abroad and establishing branches in foreign countries, there is an increasing interest to research the cultural differences within the organizations and explain what influences employees‘ behavior and motivation. In this study, employees from Lithuania and Sweden two countries were selected. Sweden is the country that brought the largest share of Foreign Direct Investments to Lithuania (as of 2020, it accounts for almost 30% of all FDI to Lithuania), which is the reason why more and more Swedish capital companies are setting up and expanding in Lithuania. There are very few such cross-cultural studies in Lithuania, but none of them explain the differences between Lithuanian and Swedish organizations which makes this research a new niche. An empirical study has revealed the main differences between these countries. Employees working in Sweden are more involved in the organisation's activities and have described the organisations as more consistent. Swedish workers are more emotionally committed than those working in Lithuania. An overview of the relations with demographic characteristics revealed statistically significant links between normative commitment and age (older ones have a stronger normative commitment) and avoidance of uncertainty (older people are characterized by greater avoidance of uncertainty). Also, more educated workers have a greater continuance commitment. An empirical study of national cultural dimensions compared to the study conducted by G. Hofstede showed that similar differences remain in Lithuania and Sweden. Lithuania ranks higher on masculinity scale than Sweden, and Sweden is more towards long-term orientation. However, the distance of the power distance and the avoidance of uncertainty in Lithuania have decreased significantly. The results of the study showed that there is no link between organizational culture and commitment to the organization in this study. Thus, further analysis of moderation does not make sense and cannot be carried out. Thus, the objective of the study was not achieved.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022