Title Nuotolinio darbo veiksnių moderuojantis poveikis darbuotojų motyvacijai ir ketinimui palikti organizaciją /
Translation of Title The moderating effect of remote working factors on employee motivation and intention to leave the organization.
Authors Kozlovska, Karolina
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Pages 99
Abstract [eng] SUMMARY THE MODERATING EFFECT OF REMOTE WORKING FACTORS ON EMPLOYEES MOTIVATION AND INTENTION TO LEAVE THE ORGANISATION Karolina KOZLOVSKA Master thesis Business Development master study programme Vilnius University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Supervisor – Doc., Dr. Asta Stankevičienė Vilnius, 2022 67 page, 33 charts, 9 pictures, 126 references. The main purpose of this master thesis is to find out the moderating effect of remote working on employees motivation and intention to leave the organization expressed in three factors: work- life balance, productivity and organizational flexibility. The work consist of three main parts, the literature analysis, the methodology and research with its results, conclusion and recommendations. Literature analysis provides theoretical reviews of employees motivation, intention to leave the organization and remote working, present the main concepts and past scientific researches on the separate factors. A methodological research model was developed following the literature review. A questionnaire from other authors was used to conduct the research, in total 285 responses were collected from the survey, 234 respondents working remotely were selected to obtain the results. The results of the research were statistically processed with the SPSS programme. Cronbach's α coefficients were calculated to determine the internal reliability (validity) of the scales. In all cases, it was higher than 0.7, which indicates that the scales used were consistent. The Shapiro Wilk test was used to determine the normality of the data distributions. To evaluate the relationships between the variables, the Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated, and a linear regression analysis was performed. The method of structural modeling of equations was used to test the moderation model. The results of the research showed that the intrinsic motivation of employees has a greatest influence on their intention to leave the organization. It was revealed that with the decrease of intrinsic motivation and work-life balance and the increase of extrinsic motivation, the intention to leave the organization increases. The research confirmed the hypothesis that the higher work-life balance, the lower probability of intention to leave. The results of the research showed that work productivity and organizational flexibility do not affect employees intention to leave the organization. In summary, employees' intention to leave the organization is most influenced by their intrinsic motivation, as well as their age and work-life balance. In the conclusions and recommendations part summarized the main concepts of literature analysis and the results of the performed research. According to the author, the presented conclusion and recommendations could increase the employees motivation strategy in the company, improve the overall success of the organization and reduce employees turnover.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022