Title Impact of social media motivational engagement on consumer repurchasing intention /
Translation of Title Motyvacinio įsitraukimo į socialinius tinklus įtaka vartotojų ketinimui pirkti pakartotinai.
Authors Otoo, Prince Nii Kabu
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Pages 86
Abstract [eng] Some researchers believe that social media provides unique opportunities for brands to foster their relationships with customers and to build a consistent buying relationship with them. whereas other researchers disagree and think the opposite. Taking into perspective social media motivational engagement, theory of planned behavior, consumer repurchasing intention, this paper analyzed critically the dissemination of relation and effects of these variables within the smartphone market. Through this research, we aim to identify how social media motivational engagement impacts consumer repurchasing intention in the smartphone market. Hence, it is important to understand what motivational engagement looks like. Are there any key factors of social media motivational engagement and its consequences on consumer buying decisions? We demonstrated the essence of social media motivational engagement in driving repeat purchases. To the extent that a brand attachment built on social media engagement functions to deliver benefits to its consumers, encourage information sharing, and strengthen customer relationships with one another and with the organization, it strengthens the customer's bond with the product, the brand, the firm, and other customers. These improved ties lead to increased brand satisfaction and trust. Furthermore, we demonstrated that brand trust and satisfaction contribute crucially to the mediation role in the journey of consumer repurchasing intention. Overall, our findings demonstrate how social media may be a platform for brands to attain the same desired goal from their brand to consumer related activities, namely having more repeated purchases. A survey-based empirical study with 200 participants was done to conduct this research. In addition, the model was tested and validated in two African countries. The survey's findings revealed that consumer trust and contentment are influenced by social media-motivated engagement, which has a favorable impact on consumer repurchasing intent. We discovered that consumer trust and contentment with companies are critical in turning the effects of social media motivated engagement into consumer repurchasing intent. This necessitates concentrating on social media as a deciding factor in consumer purchasing and repurchasing decisions. as well as other media elements that aid or function as media factors that affect consumer repurchasing decisions through social media-motivated involvement.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2022