Title Savo-svetimo konstravimas trumposios migracijos kontekste: Lietuvos studentų Indonezijoje retrospektyvinių pasakojimų analizė /
Translation of Title We vs. others in the context of short-term migration: an analysis of retrospective narratives on boundaries construction by lithuanian students in indonesia.
Authors Šileikis, Arminas
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Pages 56
Abstract [eng] The number of mobile students in the world is increasing, but short-term student mobility and its impact on identity remain a rare research topic not only in Lithuania but also abroad. This paper analyses how Lithuanians construct their identity in the context of short-term migration while studying cultural programs in Indonesia, and how this affects their friendships, relationships, and social ties in general. The study was conducted using qualitative methodology. Retrospective narratives of nine Lithuanians revealed how the We vs. Others boundaries are constructed during different stages of short-term migration — before migration, while abroad, and upon return — and how these boundaries interact with the participants' social relations. Conclusions reveal that before leaving Lithuania, Lithuanian students had an orientalist approach towards Indonesia: it is seen as a wild country, an exotic place, that is full of adventures. Some of the informants emphasize one of the dominant religions in Indonesia – Islam – as a possible boundary between We and Others. During the migration period, the Indonesian language (Bahasa Indonesia), collectivism, and Islam are cited as the most significant criteria for otherness, which have influenced the social ties of the Lithuanian students. The main criteria of we-ness are English language, education, same social class, individualistic approach, secularity, and the influence of Western popular culture. Therefore, it is apparent that Lithuanians established social ties with those Indonesians who matched their idea of what is ‘Westernness’. After returning from migration, Lithuanians keep in touch with those Indonesians who met the criteria of we-ness. A special feature of social relations in the case of Lithuanians who have studied in Indonesia is their trans-local friendships. During the research, it was discovered that at least two groups of trans-local friendships exist, consisting of 5 to 10 people.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022