Title Nugaros smegenų motoneuronų veikimo potencialo slenksčio atsistatymas po depoliarizacijos neuroninio tinklo veikimo metu /
Translation of Title Recovery from depolarization of action potential threshold in spinal motoneurons during neural network activity.
Authors Čaikauskaitė, Kotryna
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Pages 91
Abstract [eng] The threshold dynamics are known and investigated when motoneurons are stimulated by intracellular recording and current is applied through the electrode. The threshold is also known to depolarize during the functional neural network activity of the spinal cord. Hovewer, the recovery after depolarization between episodes of activity is still unclear. In this study we examined the dependence of threshold recovery on rest and activity durations with an integrated adult turtle ex vivo carapace-spinal cord preparation inducing swimming and scratching reflexes. We found that the duration of activity is longer during swimming than during scratching. However, longer rest periods are already observed, in contrast, during scratching. Threshold depolarization during the activity period is greater during scratching than during swimming. Threshold recovery after depolarization was evaluated using correlation analysis. It was found that during scratching and swimming from the duration of rest and depolarization of the threshold from the duration of activity represent both represent a weak dependence. In such cases, the shortening of time increases the dependency.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022