Title The foreign direct investment variables and their impact on economic growth in china /
Translation of Title Tiesioginių užsienio investicijų kintamieji ir jų poveikis Kinijos ekonomikos augimui.
Authors Liu, Guanwu
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Pages 62
Keywords [eng] Recently, China has become one of the most outstanding developing countries with a high GDP in the world. Foreign investment plays a significant role in China's economic growth. Foreign direct investment (FDI) acts as an engine, driving various kinds of economies to grow rapidly in a short period. A large amount of foreign investment in China has a significant impact to the overall economy and GDP, which strengthens the infrastructure construction of special economic zones, and provides a favorable investment environment for foreign investors. Economic growth provides a long-term profit. In other words, economic growth means the country is earning money. Successful companies expand their market shares by investing outward and seeking for new potential markets. Before investing a foreign market, a foreign investor needs to consider a lot of factors. Those motives of foreign investors when choosing a country for their investments are diverse: searching for new markets, seeking for new opportunities, occupying early markets, and digging out new corporations. They are aiming at production efficiency, assessing whether there is a natural resource or whether there is an opportunity to increase wealth. The need to ensure the sustainability and efficiency of the national economy requires the identification and use of conditions and laws inherent in advanced modeling of socio-economic relations. Research shows that the creation of an attractive investment environment occupies a special place in the contemporary terms of globalization, among the dominant factors influencing the development of the national economy. Foreign direct investment promotes the development of China's regional economy, but the unbalanced distribution among regions intensifies the uneven development of the local economy. Besides, female population growth, different industry market value, and foreign direct investment from foreign companies affect those opinions of foreign investors.
Abstract [eng] The Foreign Direct Investment Variables and their Impact on Economic Growth in China.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2021