Title F. Nietzsche‘s amžinasis sugrįžimas Gilles‘io Deleuze‘o filosofijoje: šiuolaikinės skirtumo ir tapatumo santykio interpretacijos /
Translation of Title F. nietzsche’s eternal recurrence in gilles deleuze’s philosophy: contemporary interpretations of the relation between difference and identity.
Authors Sadauskaitė, Rūta
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Pages 65
Abstract [eng] This paper analyses Gilles Deleuze’s interpretation of Friedrich Nietzsche by focusing on Deleuzian aspect of anti-dialectics. Therefore, the primary concern of this paper is structured around the Hegelian dialectics of identity and Nietzschean empiricism of difference (Deleuze Nietzsche and Philosophy 1962). The main research centres on the question: how to think difference neither as a derivative of contradiction nor as subordinated to identity? It is the difference, which is not staged as absence, a lack thereof (Hegel), but affirmed in itself as a primary and non-reductive principle (Nietzsche). This paper argues that the essential factor which stipulates thinking in Hegel’s and Nietzsche’s philosophies is the dynamic claim of reality: the philosophers propose to understand phenomena not as static objects, but as forces. Both thinkers link the concepts of sense and force together – sense is an expression of force relations – but they explain the dynamics of force differently. Dialectics is grounded in the idea that understanding comes from the dynamics of forces which are symmetrical and exist as a negation of one another, as a contradiction, but are also interrelated and synthesised in higher identity (Hegel Phenomenology of Spirit 1907). In Nietzschean empiricism, the concept of sense expresses a constant becoming of forces – the difference of forces is asymmetrical but not contradictory. Therefore, they can never be synthesised in unity. Nietzschean empiricism defines sense as interpretation and evaluation – a particular perspective – rather than sense as a synthesis – a moment of subordinating identity. Thus, this paper claims that there are two different perspectives of thinking in Deleuze’s interpretation of Nietzsche: base thinking or the slave perspective of thinking which expresses the Hegelian dialectic mode of thinking and is supported by the binary model and identity which results from it, negating the difference itself – the essential principle of affirming the disequilibrium of forces. In Deleuze’s interpretation, Nietzsche affirms the pluralism (empiricism) which expresses the master perspective of thinking. The latter rejects the identity of any kind and affirms the difference itself, i.e. the diversity of perspectives and their constant flux. In other words, difference returns eternally as the essential affirmation of forces and their disequilibrium, marking the struggle between the interpretations.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021