Title Darbo vietos skaitmeninės brandos lygio ir suvokiamos darbuotojų psichologinės gerovės santykis moderuojant kontrolės lokusui /
Translation of Title The relationship between the digital maturity level of the workplace and the perceived psychological well-being by moderating the locus of control.
Authors Baniulienė, Vilma
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Pages 129
Abstract [eng] SUMMARY The main goal of this Master‘s Thesis is to determine the relationship between the digital maturity level of the workplace and the perceived psychological well-being by moderating the locus of control in the Lithuanian banking sector to improve employee‘s perceived psychological well-being. To achieve this goal, these tasks have been set: 1. Theoretically explore digitalization development in the organizations and it‘s influence to the workplaces, which can be assessed according to the digital maturity level by using digital tools. 2. Theoretically analyze the concept of the well-being, it’s types (focusing on the employee's psychological well-being) and relashionships with the digital maturity of the workplace assessing use and significance of the digital tools. 3. After the analysis of the scientific literature, define the relationship between the perceived psychological well-being of employees and the digital maturity level of the workplace (assessing the use and significance of digital tools) by moderating the locus of control. 4. Perform quantitative research in the Lithuanian private banking sector, to determine the relationship between the perceived psychological well-being of employees and the digital maturity level of the workplace (assessing the use and significance of digital tools) by moderating the locus of control. 5. Provide findings and recommendations to the human resource professionals and managers to achieve better results in improving psychological well-being of employees. To achieve research tasks, there were used these methods: analysis of scientific literature, questionnaire survey, statistical analysis of research data. Collected data were processed using IBM SPSS Statistics (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) version 25.0. The moderation analysis of the variables was performed in addition to the Andrew F. Hayes (2019) PROCESS version 3.4 macro developed for the SPSS program. The JASP Team (2019) software package was used for Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling. Internal scale compatibility was tested by Cranach‘s Alpha method (in all cases, it was greater than 0.7, which means that the questionnaires are valid and usable). The following statistical analysis methods were used to evaluate the relationships between the tasks variables: 1. Test of Data Normality; 2. Analysis of the influence of socio-demographic characteristics on variables - Independent Sample T-Test, One-Way ANOVA (using Bonferroni criteria), Kruskal-Wallis Test and Mann-Whitney U. Test; 3. Multivariate regression analysis; 4. Moderation - analysis of the interaction of variables; 5. SEM analysis: developed the measurement and structural model 6. Provided conclusions and recommendations. The master's thesis consists of four parts: the development of digitaliation in organizations and the digital matiruty level of the workplace; digitalisation factors influencing the psychological well-being of employees; the interrelationships between the locus of control, the psychological well-being of employees and the digital workplace; a research of the relationship between the digital maturity level of the workplace and perceived psychological well-being of employees by moderating the locus of control (research model, formulated hypotheses, instrumentation, research organization, sample, population and methods), results, summary, recommendations. The research found a statistically significant, but weak, relationship between employee psychological well-being and the digital matiruty level of the workplace (assessing the use and significance of digital tools) by moderating the locus of control. The conclusions of the master's thesis briefly summarize the aspects of the literature analysis and the most important results, limitations and suggestions of the research. The research recommenadtions can be used by human resource professionals and managers to improve employees well-being.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021