Title Skirtingų kartų darbuotojų mokymosi bei pasitenkinimo darbu sąsajos UAB ,,Veho Lietuva” organizacijoje /
Translation of Title Relationship between training and job satisfaction in the uab veho lietuva.
Authors Juzėnaitė, Grėta
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Pages 73
Abstract [eng] Relationship Between Training and Job Satisfaction in the UAB Veho Lietuva 54 pages, 24 charts, 9 pictures, 51 references. Employee performance is one of the major business components. Therefore, an investment in the development of the employee is critical to improve the overall results and job satisfaction of the employee. This work aims to analyse the relationship between employee training and job satisfation within different generations and suggest strategies to improve the job satisfation. In addition, a quantitative research study involving 115 participants was performed in organisation "Veho Lietuva", UAB. Regression analysis was conducted to determine the relationship between employee training and job satisfation. Meanwhile research model was tested by moderator analysis. Statistical significance between the groups was analysed by t-test and ANOVA. All data was analysed using SPSS 26.0 software. The mean job satisfaction rate of the "Veho Lietuva" employees was 61.67 % with the poor career opportunities, low privileges and shoddy work organisation being main reasons for such low value. To increase the productivity, commitment to the organisation and motivation of the employees, the employer should consider the aforementioned aspects. Moreover, it was observed that the employees with the higher education or holding high positions show lower than the average job satisfaction. Those employees were specifically dissatisfied with the work environment and relationships with other colleagues. Therefore, current situation should be reviewed with the help of human resources specialists and the appropriate measures should be taken to improve the communication between employees. Finally, the results have shown that the employee training in "Veho Lietuva" increased the overall job satisfaction rate by 19.2 %. Such training had a significant effect on Generation X and had no effect on Baby boomers. Regarding the marked differences between different generations, self-appointed employee training technique could be considered for the future in order to increase the job satisfaction in "Veho Lietuva" organisation.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021