Title Darbo ir asmeninio gyvenimo balanso įtaka darbuotojų pasitenkinimui darbu, psichologinio kontrakto, kaip moderatoriaus, svarba /
Translation of Title The influence of work and personal life balance on employee satisfaction, the importance of psichological contract as a moderator.
Authors Kairevičiūtė, Živilė
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Pages 82
Abstract [eng] 82 pages, 23 charts, 9 pictures, 75 references. The main purpose of this master thesis is to investigate the links and influence between work-life balance, employee job satisfaction and psychological contract. The master thesis consists of four parts. The first part analyzes topics of work-life balance, psychological contract and job satisfaction found in literature, the second part presents the purpose and a model of empirical research, the tasks of empirical research and hypotheses. The third part of the master thesis presents an analysis of empirical research, which evaluates and analyzes the collected data. And the last part of the theses consists of conclusions and recommendations. The literature analysis distinguishes definitions of work-life balance, psychological contract, and job satisfaction. Moreover it includes theoretical aspects of these phenomena, their interrelationships and influence on each other. Although evaluations of the relationship between work-life balance, psychological contract and job satisfaction have been found in the scientific literature, in Lithuania the studies of interaction of all three phenomena: work-life balance, psychological contract and job satisfaction, has not been found. In the part of the methodology, the purpose, object and tasks of the empirical research are presented. A structured questionnaire survey of Lithuanian employees who are literate in information technologies was chosen for the research on the topic “The Influence of work and personal life balance on employee job satisfaction under the influence of a psychological contract”. In the second part of the theses the structure of the questionnaire is presented, as well as the reliability of the used questionnaires using SPSS Cronbach alpha tests. After the analysis of the obtained data, the tests of data normality were performed, the evaluations according to the demographic characteristics of the respondents were analyzed. The effect of work-life balance on job satisfaction has not been identified, nor has the moderative effect of a psychological contract on the relationship between work and personal life and job satisfaction. However, a positive relation was found between: the negative impact of work on personal life, the positive impact of work / personal life on each other, the impact of a psychological contract from an employee's perspective and a psychological contract from an organizational perspective and employee satisfaction. A regression equation for this relationship was constructed. The conclusions and recommendations summarize the main concepts of literature analysis and the results of the empirical research. Recommendations were given and were suggested further research directions.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021