Title Vidinės ir išorinės motyvacijos poveikis darbuotojų įsipareigojimui Lietuvos draudimo įmonėse /
Translation of Title The effect of internal and external motivation on employees’ commitment in the lithuanian insurance undertakings.
Authors Tamošiūnaitė, Daiva
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Pages 105
Abstract [eng] SUMMARY 105 pages, 126 references, 5 pictures, 19 tables and 16 supplements Main master’s degree project aim: to identify the internal and external motivation effect for the employee’s commitments in the Lithuanian insurance companies. This research contains five main sections. First section analyses the internal and exterior motivation concept and its expression, also, reviews the motives that condition the motivation. Second section reveals the meaning of employee’s commitments, their main types. Third section looks into the connection between the employee’s internal motivation, external motivation and the commitment. Fourth section provides the performed quantitative analysis – questionnaire methodology, research instrument justification and the selection of research methods. Fifth section presents the analysis and conclusions of the performed empiric research results. In order to achieve the project aim, such methods were used: for the theoretical theme basis – scientific literature analysis and classification, material was chosen according to the 1964 – 2020 Lithuanian and other foreign authors, who have analysed the motivation and obligations in their works. Empiric research was performed to help to reach the set aim. This research method helped to analyse the internal and external motivation effect and the employee’s commitments in the Lithuanian insurance companies. Research was performed by using the structuralized interview. The SPSS statistics’ data analysis packet and JASP graphical statistics’ analysis programme were used for the analysis and description of the received data. After the empiric research was performed, it was identified that for the people working in the Lithuanian insurance companies, the internal motivation has effect on different commitment types: emotional, continuous or normative, at the same time, the external motivation has effect only on the continuous commitment. The research has showed that the internal motivation has the highest impact for the employee’s, working in Lithuanian insurance companies, emotional commitment. According to the research results, the conclusions and the suggestions regarding how Lithuanian insurance companies could increase the employees’ commitment, are provided. This master’s paper will be provided and presented for the several Lithuanian insurance companies to help develop practical means to increase and strengthen the employees’ motivation and commitment. Keywords used in the project: internal motivation, external motivation, emotional commitment, continuous commitment, normative commitment.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021