Abstract [eng] |
Brand Extension in Different Price Segments and Intention to Switch Parent Brand Pages 90 (including annexes), 26 tables, 2 pictures, 96 references. The main purpose of this Master thesis is to assess how the brand extensions in different price segments influence the consumers’ parent brand switching intention and the brand extension factors to the consumers’ switching intention. The work consists of three main parts: analysis of literature, development of the research methodology, analysis of the empirical findings. The essence of the thesis paper is presented in the introduction; thesis paper ends with recommendations and conclusions, references and annexes. Literature analysis presents the main key brand extensions factors (similarity, consumers’ evaluation and intensity of brand extension service), different price segments. It is followed with the typology of factors that influence the brand extensions in different price segments and intentions to switching parent brand. This analysis allows identifying factors that are the most important in the analyzed situation: similarity, consumers’ evaluation and intensity of service. The third part of literature analysis reviews consumers perceptions towards the brand extensions in different price segments when a well-known company plan to launch brand extensions, and factors of the brand extensions that might trigger consumers have parent brand switching intentions. This allows identifying three additional factors that influence consumers’’ parent brand switching intention when the companies launch brand extensions in different price segments situation: similarity, consumers’ evaluation and intensity of service. Research methodology is based on the modified Model of Brand Extensions and switching intention including the factors that are relevant in the analyzed situation. The main hypotheses include testing influences of brand extension similarity, consumers’ evaluation, different price segments and incomes on consumers’ parent switching intentions. Data is collected via online survey, using convenience sampling. Research instrument (questionnaire) is developed using the scales that had appropriate reliability in the earlier studies. Empirical analysis is performed on the basis of 492 questionnaires. The key elements of the sample structure include: the proportion between male/female respondents is 47.5/52.5%; according to age, respondents are evenly distributed in five groups (up to 18, 19-25, 26-35, 36- 45, 46 and above), majority of them have bachelor education. Reliability of the used scales is appropriate (Cronbach’s Alpha greater than 0.70) and allows the further analysis of data. The data analysis allows confirming the strong influence of chosen determinants on the brand extensions and on switching intention. The factors of brand extensions, similarity, consumers’ evaluation and intensity of service have negative influence on consumers’’ parent brand switching intentions. The importance moderating variable price segments was confirmed. Together with other aspects of analysis it allows summarizing specific aspects of brand extensions that occurs consumers’ parent brand switching intentions when the brand extensions in different price segments. Additional analysis of the data allowed disclosing that the influence of intensity of brand extension service on switching intention is stronger among consumers. However, incomes do not differ from each other when it comes to switching intentions. Performed theoretical and empirical analysis allows developing conclusions and recommendations/managerial implications. Their most important element includes research- based confirmation that brand extensions and switching intentions regarding the different price segments, in terms of occupations, different occupations has significant differences on similarity of brand extension and parent brand. |