Title The impact of leadership styles on employees organizational commitment in italian tourism companies /
Translation of Title Lyderystės stilių poveikis darbuotojų organizaciniam įsipareigojimui Italijos turizmo įmonėse.
Authors Fedele, Daniela
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Pages 110
Keywords [eng] Employee organizational committment, leadership styles, tourism companies, employee satisfaction
Abstract [eng] 110 pages, 59 tables, 4 figures, 161 references The main purpose of this master thesis is to investigate the impact of leadership styles on employee organizational commitment in Tourism companies. The thesis is divided into three chapters; literature review, research methodology, the analysis of the results and at the end conclusions and recommendations. The literature analysis provides a broad descriptions of employee commitment and its dimensions, along with leadership styles description and an explanation of the relationship between these two variables. The aim of the research is to investigate the impact of leadership styles on employee organizational commitment in Tourism companies, in particular, the investigation regards the travel agencies companies and includes leaders, employees, and supervisors as a selected target. More specifically, the purpose of the research aims to highlight and understand the emerging and the common leadership styles in several companies, and the impact of them on the employee organizational commitment. In order to measures the impact of leadership styles on employees organizational commitment, a quantitative research method, questionnaire survey, is used for conducting the research and it includes managers and employees from different tourism companies as a sample size. Data was collected, coded, and analyzed using a statistical technique, the SPSS programme. The reliability analysis was performed in order to determine the Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient, which indicates that the construct of the variables were reliable. Pearson’s correlation was used in order to investigate the relationship between the variables, while, regression analysis was performed to investigate the impact of leadership styles on employee organizational commitment. According to the findings, transformational leadership style is the only variable that has a relationship with continuance commitment and normative commitment and employee’s satisfaction with the supervisor has a strong correlation with normative commitment. The regression analysis shows that there is an impact of Transformational Leadership Style on Normative Commitment, but this influence is mediating by Satisfaction with the supervisor. The research revealed that in Italian tourism companies' the prevailing leadership style is Transformational Leadership Style following up with Transactional and Laissez-Faire Leadership Style. The conclusions and recommendations part include the main ideas and concept of literature analysis and conclusive part of the research results accompanied by some suggestions. The author suggests to all managers of Italian tourism companies to maintain the prevailing leadership style from the research, which is transformational leadership style, in order to keep the employees committed and emotionally attached to the organization, as an opportunity to grow.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2021