Title Vilniaus gatvių apšvietimo kartografavimas, taikant 3D modeliavimą /
Translation of Title Mapping of vilnius street lighting using 3d modeling.
Authors Borusaitė, Austėja
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Pages 42
Abstract [eng] Street lighting has a direct impact on public safety, criminogenic activities, traffic accidents. Modern cartographic capabilities allow a realistic 3D model that helps manage the entire optimization of the lighting network, calculate lighting pollution parameters, population comfort, visibility and electricity efficiency. Lighting mapping is still a new 21st century. the direction of research possibilities, the methods of which are increasing with the development of technologies, as they allow for a comprehensive visualization of the street lighting network and thus for the assessment of lighting efficiency. The main goal of the master's thesis is to investigate the distribution of unlit street areas, their impact on traffic accidents and public activities, and a realistic 3D selected street lighting model. Various methods were used to perform the work: historical and theoretical analysis, classification of objects, statistical methods, systematic analysis, modeling and formulation of conclusions. The work consists of an introduction, methodology and initial data, two chapters of the results, conclusions, bibliography, summary in Lithuanian and English. The theoretical part reviews the history of Vilnius lighting development from the oldest to the latest centuries, 3D lighting modeling methods and the connection of traffic accidents with lighting. The study examined Vilnius c. sav. unlit street areas, their impact on society and traffic accidents. In addition, 3D modeling of selected five streets (Pušų, Moliakalnis, Tyzenhaus, Tarpkalnis and Biržiškės) was performed. Real 3D models have been created, which estimate the width of the street, the height of the buildings, the landscape, the parameters of the luminaires. Based on this, it evaluates the illumination of the street area and offers recommendations on how to improve the lighting engineering network by applying luminaire modeling. The study shows that 3D modeling using a real selection of local data, which allows not only to assess the current situation, but also to model possible changes by changing the engineering parameters of the lighting network. Obtaining the results is the most important for the public, Lithuanian police and lighting design companies.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021