Title Elektroninio sporto paramos teikimo proceso analizė: paramos teikėjo profilio nustatymas Lietuvoje /
Translation of Title Analysis of sponsorship process of electronic sports: identifying sponsor profile in lithuania.
Authors Gibas, Ignas
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Pages 112
Abstract [eng] The main purpose of this master thesis is to identify the profile of the electronic sports sponsor in Lithuania by firstly creating a sponsor’s profile investigation model based on the review of the existing literature and secondly evaluating and analysing the empirical research data. The following research methods were used in the master thesis: literature analysis, analysis of the online sources examining electronic sports, questionnaire-based survey, descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and semi-structured interviews. The thesis consists of three main parts in addition to the introduction and conclusions-recommendations parts: the literature analysis part is focusing of the theoretical model of electronic sports sponsors profile investigation, which is the base for the hypothesis of the empirical research. In the part of the research methodology, using the knowledge from of the literature review, and having prepared a model for investigating the profile of electronic sports sponsors, is presenting an empirical research methodology, which is designed to assess the profile of esports sponsors in Lithuania. The empirical research part examines the process of electronic sports sponsorship in Lithuania and presents the profile of the electronic sports sponsor. In the last part, based on the theoretical model, the results of the empirical research are explained, conclusions and recommendations for Lithuanian e-sports and business organizations and government institutions are presented. 81 After the analysis of scientific literature and online sources, it can be stated that the development of esports is successful all over the world, especially in East Asian countries. In Lithuania esports, in the sense of professionalism, is in the initial development phase: the activity exists, but only fragmented, there is little publicity about the activities of organizations, success stories and government’s approach to this area is not articulated. The analysis of the sponsor profile revealed that the most important elements for the successful implementation of the sponsorship process with business objects are the compatibility of the sponsor and the beneficiary. Sponsorship of esports from the governmental institutions remains unsystematic and volatile for the time being. Research methodology based on the analysis of the scientific literature was developed to investigate the electronic sports sponsorship process and identify potential sponsor profile. A model for identifying an electronic sports sponsor was investigated. To achieve the main objective of this thesis, considering the lack of existing information in this area, a flexible method of triangulation was chosen for the research analysis. The work combined: descriptive statistics, correlations, and semi-structured interview methods. In the questionnaire-based survey respondents were selected according to their professional knowledge in sports and sponsors involved in the sports support process. Representatives from organizations working with esports development in Lithuania participated in the semi-structured interviews. Based on the collected questionnaire data and the conducted semi-structured interviews, the empirical research made it possible to identify the profile of the potential sponsor, which consists of the following components: 1. Compatibility of the image and values of the esports organization and the potential sponsor. 2. Potential sponsor’s skills and previous experience in sports sponsorship. 3. Appropriate sponsorship proposal. The conclusions of the thesis offered a set of recommendations for esports developers and governmental institutions how to better develop electronic sports in Lithuania. Proposals are also made for further academic research related to public attitudes towards esports, and for the impact of the global COVID - 19 pandemics on the provision of sponsorship for esports organizations.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021