Title Estetikos suvokimo poveikis internetinės parduotuvės vertinimui ir ketinimui pirkti tarp vyrų ir moterų bei x ir z kartos atstovų /
Translation of Title Impact of aesthetic perception in e-commerce website on evaluation and intention to buy between gender and generations x and z.
Authors Varanavičiūtė, Sandra
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Pages 99
Abstract [eng] The main purpose of this master thesis is to determine the impact of aesthetic perception in e-commerce websites on evaluation and intention to buy between men and women and between X and Z generations. The work consists of three main parts. First part is the analysis of the literature. Second part is the methodology of the research. Third part covers the research data analysis and results together with conclusions and recommendations. The literature analysis part reviews the concept of aesthetics and what influences aesthetic perception in e-commerce websites. Moreover, this part identifies how aesthetic perception influences consumers‘ attitudes and intentions towards the website. Also, this part analyses the perception and behavior differences between men and women and between generations. Research methodology part was composed with reference to the literature analysis. The research model is based on S-O-R theory model and contains 11 hypotheses. 4 questionnaires with different websites were prepared for the survey. A total of 291 respondents participated in an online survey and presented the answers to the prepared questionnaires. A total of 288 respondents‘ answers were discussed and analyzed. The main purpose of the questionnaire was to identify how aesthetic perception influences consumers attitudes and intentions towards an online shop and find out whether gender and generation have moderating role on those relations. The results of the research were statistically processed with the IBM SPSS Statistics 26 program. Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient was used to determine the alignment of the Likert scales’; in all cases, it was higher than 0.7, which indicates that the scales used were consistent. The data analysis revealed that aesthetic perception between men and women does not differ significantly. However, a significant difference of aesthetic perception between generations X and Z was found. Moreover, data analysis shows that aesthetic perception has significant impact on attitudes and intentions towards the online shop. Furthermore, analysis does not show any significant moderating effect of gender, whereas generation moderates the relationship between aesthetic perception and trust as well as relationship between aesthetic perception and intention to buy. The conclusions and recommendations summarize the main findings of literature analysis as well as the results of the data analysis. The results of this study demonstrate the importance of aesthetics in online shops, so it is recommended to pay more attention to the website design. The results of this study could give useful points to the e-commerce players who want to create new online shop.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021