Title Baltic responses: countering russian information warfare operations in the 21st century information, cyber and psychological spaces /
Translation of Title Baltijos atsakas į Rusijos Informacinio karo operacijas 21 amžiuje informacinėje, kibernetinėje ir psichologinėje erdvėse.
Authors Cook, Hugh Dudley
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Pages 125
Keywords [eng] Russia, information warfare, Baltic states, cybersecurity, information space, psychological space
Abstract [eng] Baltic Responses: Countering Russian Information Warfare Operations in the 21st Century Information, Cyber and Psychological Spaces The rapid advancement of digital technologies in the 21st century has altered the information, cyber, and psychological environments in countries throughout the world and has ushered in an era of non-traditional, asymmetrical warfare operations conducted against the Baltic states by Russia and its affiliated actors. Countries have been forced to implement security measures to safeguard non-traditional aspects of security, such as in the information, cyber, and psychological spaces. Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania have all expanded their security measures to these sectors and seek to further prepare their societies for increased hostile actions from Russia in these environments.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2021