Title Getting to know lithuanian muslims: a qualitative study on religious and national identifications of a minority group in eastern europe /
Translation of Title Lietuvos musulmonų pažinimas: kokybinis religinės ir tautinės tapatybės mažumų grupių Rytų Europoje tyrimas.
Authors Johanna, Aisha
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Pages 117
Keywords [eng] Lithuanian Muslims, religious identity, national identity, Muslim identity, Lithuanian identity, minority group.
Abstract [eng] Muslim communities as a minority group have been around in Lithuania for centuries, but discrimination against them still exists. This study aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the phenomena from the perspective of the Lithuanian Muslims. The goal is to know how they perceive their religious and national identities. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 Lithuanian Muslims to collect primary data. The thematic analysis method was used to determine emerging themes that explain the lived experience of Lithuanian Muslims. The results show that Lithuanian Muslims can have strong Muslim and Lithuanian national identities at the same time.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2021