Title From serial killer to victim of circumstances: theodore bundy’s use of linguistic devices as tools of manipulation /
Translation of Title Serijinio žudiko tapsmas „aplinkybių auka“: kalbinės raiškos priemonės kaip manipuliacijos įrankis Teodoro Bandžio diskurse.
Authors Maračinskaitė, Viktorija
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Pages 96
Keywords [eng] Theodore Bundy, conceptual metaphor theory, metaphor, euphemism, linguistic manipulation, konceptualiųjų metaforų teorija, metafora, eufemizmas, kalbinė manipuliacija
Abstract [eng] The present thesis focuses on conceptual metaphors, metaphorical euphemisms, and euphemisms in interviews with Theodore Bundy. The research aims to examine the use of metaphorical and euphemistic language in Bundy’s discourse and expound on potential manipulative qualities of such discursive practices. The method employed to achieve the aim combines close reading and Metaphor Identification Procedure Vrije Universiteit (MIPVU). The results of the study show that of the three linguistic devices in question, conceptual metaphors are employed the most frequently and serve as a tool for various manipulative techniques, including self-victimisation and victim-blaming. Meanwhile, metaphorical euphemisms and euphemisms are employed significantly less frequently, and both have an almost identical number of examples that conceal three major target concepts, namely crimes, mental issues, and social taboos.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2021