Title Kokybės vadybos standartų nauda organizacijoje /
Translation of Title Benefits of quality management standards in an organization.
Authors Zgirskas, Arūnas
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Pages 61
Abstract [eng] 59 pages, 15 charts, 5 pictures, 49 references, 1 annex. The main purpose of this master thesis is to reveal benefits of maintaining of quality management system in different fields of business activities in Lithuania. In the paper used methods: examining the requirements of quality management system (QMS). evaluating the opinions of different scientists on the motives and benefits of implementing QMS and analyzing the scientific literature (publications, books and other sources), theoretical - scientific methodology of literature review and analysis was applied. During empirical study, for data collection, a semi-standardized interview survey method was used, and in order to collect and systematize the obtained qualitative research data, the methodology of systematic research was applied. The work consists of three parts, the first part covers the analysis of literature on the concept of quality and standard, the development of standardization, areas governing standards and motives and benefits of QMS implementation. The second part covers the methodology of empirical research, research tools, characteristics, research process, surveys of respondents and the summary of results. The third part presents the concept of the benefit model for standards, and recommendations for the model application in the organization. An analysis of the literature revealed that the main motives for implementing the standards are external and internal. External – to enter new markets, export new goods, meet customer requirements, achieve a better corporate image, gain market share, or increase customer satisfaction, and internal ones occur only when the organization itself wants to improve the internal system and processes and the benefits depend only on the internal motives of the organization itself. An empirical study was conducted with quality representatives from organizations in different fields of business activity in Lithuania, which aimed to investigate what quality management systems prevail in organizations and to reveal the benefits and practical application of the implemented standards within them. Based on the theoretical sources and the results of the author's research, a model for evaluating the benefits of the quality management system was developed, and recommendations and tools for its implementation and systematic support of application within organizations provided. The empirical study found that after the implementation of QMS, the quality level improved, the number of incidents, defects (complaints) decreased, employee involvement and perception of quality increased, company profits increased, customer satisfaction increased and company management was facilitated. Organizations have become more mature.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021