Title Patekimo į prekybos žmonėmis tinklą ir reintegracijos į visuomenę problemų kriminologinė analizė /
Translation of Title A criminological analysis of problems of forced participation in a human trafficking network and their reitegration into society.
Authors Kripaitė, Evelina
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Pages 75
Abstract [eng] „A criminological analysis of problems of forced participation in a human trafficking network and their reitegration into society“ In almost all cases, people enter the human trafficking network due to broken social ties, childhood violence and / or abuse, neglect, and lack of social skills. To reveal access to the human trafficking network factors will be carried a qualitative study, analyzing the lives of victims before and after entering the trafficking network. Victims often feel stigmatized by their family, friends, and community. Sometimes this is due to a lack of social connections before or after the crime. Reintegration occurs when a victim or perpetrator can become an active and productive part of their community (Van Ness and Strong, 2014). In order to reveal the problems of reintegration into society, it is important to look at the conditions of human trafficking and ways of subjugating the will, experienced during the period of exploitation of the victims, as this may show the reasons why people left the human trafficking network and what led them to seek or, conversely, not to seek help. To reveal the factors of access to the human trafficking network and the problems of reintegration into society, a qualitative study was conducted, and the principles of thematic analysis were used for data analysis. The qualitative methodology was chosen due to the narrow research of the investigated phenomenon. The main goal of the research is to examine the factors of access to the human trafficking network and the problems of reintegration into society. In order to achieve the goal, the following tasks were set: 1) to examine the experiences of childhood and adolescence victims of human trafficking; 2) to disclose the experiences of victims of trafficking after graduation; 3) to examine the access of victims of human trafficking to the human trafficking network; 4) to disclose the exit of victims of human trafficking from the human trafficking network; 5) to examine the current life experiences of victims of trafficking. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews as one of the types of qualitative interviews. The investigation involved 6 victims of trafficking recognized by a pre-trial investigation officer, a prosecutor's ruling or a court ruling. The study does not fully reveal the factors of trafficking in human beings and the problems of reintegration into society, which would require more detailed research. The results of the study revealed that 1) all study participants came from “dysfunctional” families; 2) it is difficult to determine what exactly determines the sense of security or trust in law enforcement authorities; 3) problems experienced - fear of exploiters (and people in general), employment opportunities, broken relationships, addiction. It would make sense to carry out more detailed research to reveal the complexity of this phenomenon. Keywords: human trafficking, reintegration.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021