Title Lokalinio identiteto apraiškos Lietuvos respublikiniuose ir savivaldybių muziejuose: internetinių puslapių analizė /
Translation of Title Manifestations of local identity in lithuanian national and muncipal museums: web page analysis.
Authors Kripas, Algimantas
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Pages 72
Abstract [eng] This master’s thesis is aimed to analyze manifestations of locality in two selected national and six municipal museums in their web page expositions and virtual exhibition. Locality is distributed between three topics: everyday stories, famous region personalities and traumas. The thesis objective is to analyze how local identity is presented in expositions and virtual exhibitions on websites of Lithuanian national and municipal museums. To achieve this objective, the following tasks were set: analyse identity theories and the formation of Lithuanian national formation, discuss the concept of locality, analyse narrative theories and its formation, investigate how website exhibitions and expositions of the national and municipal museums express local stories, local identities and how memory is conveyed. To achieve these objectives a descriptive method was used. In this way, the aim was to present in detail how the manifestations of local identity are presented in the studied objects. By using the comparative method, it was revealed how different national and municipal museums convey manifestation of locality. By using the literature examination method, scientific literature revealed the required museum narrative creation aspects. The method of source analysis was used to exam manifestations of locality of virtual exhibitions in the museums: the Samogitian museum „Alka“ which is located in Telšiai and the „Aušra“ museum located in Šiauliai and in six municipality museums of Gargždai, Mažeikiai, Lithuania Minor, Panevėžys ethnography, Prienai region, Raseiniai region history museum and their branches. In addition to the analysis of local identity manifestations, the method of source analysis also helped to analyze the aspects of the expositions and virtual exhibitions – the design of the websites, the use of textual and iconographic material, completeness, etc. The theory of creating a museum narrative was chosen for the investigation. Researchers who study it emphasize that the museum narrative must be more understandable to the addressee – the museum visitor. This leads to the conclusion that the locality that exists in museums is often artificially created. Summarizing the research, it can be concluded that the manifestation of local identity in national and municipal museum websites are presented in a similar way. All this is due to fact that all preparation of exposition and exhibition are based on the same information. Exhibitions and expositions are also influenced by museum staff. Major differences are only observed in the subjects of exhibitions and expositions. Some museums pay more attention to everyday history, others focus more on personality presentations. Traumatic locality is also expressed differently, mostly emphasizing resistance of the holocaust. Local resident collaboration with occupiers is only emphasized in one municipal museum.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021