Title Darbo ir namų reikalavimų, išteklių, darbuotojų išsekimo ir įsitraukimo į darbą reikšmė inovatyviam elgesiui nuotolinio darbo sąlygomis /
Translation of Title Job and home demands, resources, employees‘ exhaustion and work engagement relations with innovative behavior in remote work settings.
Authors Vaivada, Justinas
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Pages 65
Abstract [eng] This research examines the role of employees` exhaustion and work engagement for the relationship between job demands-resources, home demands-resources and innovative work behaviour in remote work settings. 168 respondents participated in the study. Demographic data was gathered by a questionnaire made for the study, work demands - resources were measured by home – demands scale (Bakker, 2014), home demands – resources were measured by scale designed for this study (based on job demands – resources scale (Bakker, 2014)), exhaustion was measured by Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI), work engagement was measured by Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (short version). The scales were presented to respondents on a digital platform. Results of the research gives insights for organizations on the focus areas for reducing employees` exhaustion, increasing work engagement and innovative behaviour. The following results were obtained by the research. Job and home demands have a positive relationship with employees` exhaustion, whereas job resources have a negative relationship with exhaustion. Job resources were found to have a positive influence on work engagement. Job and home resources have a positive link with innovative behaviour. Job resources predicted innovative behaviour. Work engagement has a positive correlation and positively predicted innovative behaviour. Growth opportunities at work positively predicts employees` work engagement. Work engagement was found to be a mediator on the relationship between work resources and innovative behaviour.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021