Title Motinų, auginančių vaikus su vaikystės autizmu, psichologinė gerovė ir psichologinis atsparumas /
Translation of Title Psychological well-being and psychological resilience of mothers raising children with childhood autism.
Authors Matijošaitienė, Oksana
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Pages 51
Abstract [eng] Matijošaitienė O. (2021). Mothers raising children with childhood autism, psychological well-being and psychological resilience (Master's Thesis in Health Psychology). Scientific supervisor prof. dr. Laimutė Bulotaitė, Vilnius University, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Psychology, Vilnius – 51p. Raising a child with childhood autism requires a lot of physical and mental strength. Often, raising such a child becomes the sole responsibility of the mother. Mothers experience a lot of stress and tension, face many difficulties from the onset of the first symptoms and diagnosis. Difficulties faced by mothers raising children with childhood autism affect mothers ’psychological well-being and psychological resilience (Navickienė et al., 2019; Myers, Mackintosh & Goin-Kochel, 2009). The study involved 50 mothers raising children with childhood autism. The average age is 39 years. They were selected by convenient selection in the closed group of members of LAA "Rain Children". The Lithuanian Psychological Well-Being Scale for Adults (LPGS-S), Psychological Resistance Scale and Demographic Questionnaire were used for the study. The following were used to calculate the results: descriptive statistics, correlations, linear regressions. The psychological well-being and psychological resilience of mothers raising children with childhood autism have been found to decline with age. Psychological well-being and psychological resilience are interrelated and related to the social support. The more support is received, the higher the psychological well-being and psychological resilience are. Key words: psychological well-being, psychological resilience, childhood autism.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021