Title Įsitraukimą į darbą veikiantys veiksniai, atsižvelgiant į kartų skirtumus /
Translation of Title Factors influencing work engagement, taking into account differences between generations.
Authors Judicki, Edvin
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Pages 65
Abstract [eng] The main purpose of this master thesis – is to evaluate the impact of the factors determining engagement on employee engagement, considering the differences between generations. The work consists of introduction, three main parts – theoretical aspects of work engagement, methodology for investigating the impact of factors leading to engagement in employment, research of the impact of factors leading to engagement on intergenerational engagement, conclusions and recommendations. The first chapter provides an analysis of the concept of work engagement, an analysis of theoretical patterns of engagement, and the specificities of engagement between different age groups and generations. The second chapter describes the methodology of the research, distinguishes the main tasks of the empirical study, and establishes a study scheme. The study on the impact of factors leading to engagement on the involvement of different generations, based on survey and correlation regression analysis, is carried out in the third chapter. Based on the results of the research, conclusions and suggestions are presented. The practical value of the work. As the final work provides a detailed analysis of scientific sources about work engagement, the thesis can be relevant for undergraduate students. In this way, the results of the practical investigation can be interesting and relevant for companies carrying out the evaluation of their employee’s engagement.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021