Title Paslaugų kokybės vertinimas smulkių ir vidutinių keleivių pervežimo įmonėse /
Translation of Title Service quality assessment in small and medium passenger transport companies.
Authors Obločinska, Elvina
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Pages 69
Abstract [eng] The aim of this paper is to identify the most important factors influencing the quality of services in small and medium-sized passenger transport companies and to present proposals for quality improvement after analysing the scientific literature and conducting a service quality assessment study. To achieve the aim, the following three tasks were set: 1) to analyse the theoretical aspects of service quality assessment in small and medium passenger transport companies; 2) to identify the aspects of service quality assessment after analysing service quality assessment models; 3) to study the quality of services in small and medium-sized passenger transport companies and to identify the factors that have the greatest impact on the quality of services in small and medium-sized passenger transport companies. The research methods: analysis of scientific literature based on Lithuanian and foreign authors (books, scientific articles, etc.). Legislative analysis. Analysis of economic and statistical indicators. Quantitative research: consumer survey. The form of the research was created relying on the theoretical model as well as other research of service provision conducted by other authors. In addition, SERVQUAL methodology was applied using the model modified by F. Sultan and M. C. Simpson (2000). The result data of the survey was analysed using SPSS program’s 22ndversion. To evaluate the gathered information, the number of answers as well as their representation in percent were calculated. Having performed the questionnaire survey, it was found that customers choose passenger transport companies for safe transport, lower prices, quality services and pleasant service. The main factors that have the greatest impact on the quality of services of small and medium-sized passenger transport companies have been identified, i. e. the driver’s friendly behaviour, quality of service, exterior body condition, interior condition, prompt work of staff.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021