Title Miegas ir poilsio jausmas: ryšys tarp miego fragmentacijos ir subjektyviai vertinamos miego kokybės /
Translation of Title Sleep and the sense of rest: relation between sleep fragmentation and subjective sleep quality.
Authors Žakevičius, Martynas
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Pages 110
Keywords [eng] Sleep ; subjective sleep quality ; arousals ; microarousals ; Pittsburgh sleep quality index.
Abstract [eng] Sleep disorders are one of the most common medical complaints today. There is a growing interest in sleep medicine, attitude of doctors and society is changing and knowledge about sleep and its disorders is increasing. One of the most tedious and understudied sleep problems is non-restorative sleep. Researchers are still debating about what determines persons rest sense after the sleep. A lot of attention recently is paid for sleep integrity and a role of sleep fragmentation for the rest sense. It is thought that sleep fragmentation with short arousals could have effect on the sleeps restorative function. The aim of our study was to analyze sleep structure and sleep quality through sleep cycles, phases and stages and to evaluate structure’s relationship with subjective sense of rest after the sleep without paying attention to the type of insomnia. We have analysed three types of arousals (behavioural, vegetative and microarousals) and their dynamics during the night, in different sleep cycles and stages. Subjective sleep quality was evaluated using the Pittsburgh sleep quality index. Work results showed that for the subjective sense of rest after the sleep it is more important the stability of sleep in the initial than in the last sleep cycles. Sleep stage and arousal type regardless of sleep cycle are significant factors for the arousal index values and that increase of all arousal indices in NREM 2 stage (especially increase of microarousal index) has strongest impact for the sense of rest after the sleep.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2012