Title Skardžiųjų ir dusliųjų priebalsių opozicija kaip morfonologinė priemonė /
Translation of Title The opposition of the voiced and voiceless consonants as morfhonological means.
Authors Švačko, Liana
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Pages 52
Abstract [eng] The object of the investigation of this work is opposition of voiceless and voiced consonants. Using the methods of phonological analysis of A. Girdenis and the theoretical stems of morphonology by N. Trubetskoy, the collected linguistic material – pairs of opposition of voiceless and voiced consonants is divided in groups: opposition with lexical meaning, with lexical and grammatical or only with grammatical meaning. In this work we investigate in detail in what parts of speech oppositions develop systematically, the phonetic structure of the root morphemes is investigated and the place of the oppositions of the morphemes is defined. The investigation shows (proves) that in the morphonological system of the Lithuanian language the opposition develops systematically, destining lexical meaning and it was determines that the analysed oppositions are more often found in the root morphemes of verbs and nouns. Dominating structural types of root morphemes of the opposition are seen at the end of the root. The definite port of the opposition of voiceless and voiced consonants don’t distinguish neither lexical nor grammatical meaning.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2009