Title Subjektyviai suvokiamas meilės ir gerumo meditacijos poveikis žmonėms, sergantiems lėtinėmis ligomis /
Translation of Title Subjectively perceived effect of loving-kindness meditation on people with chronic diseases.
Authors Aleckūnaitė, Aistė
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Pages 84
Abstract [eng] Quantitative studies of the effects of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program (MBSR) have been conducted for several decades, but there is little research on the subjectively perceived effect on loving-kindness meditation formal program on people with chronic illnesses: multiple sclerosis and oncological diseases. The study aimed to reveal subjectively perceived effect on loving- kindness meditation on people with chronic illnesses - multiple sclerosis and oncological diseases. The study involved 5 people with chronic diseases: two men and a woman with multiple sclerosis, and two women with breast cancer. The age of the participants is from 27 to 46 years old. Participants were selected by the snowball sampling. Participants had been doing loving-kindness meditation individually for eight weeks. After 8 weeks of meditation participants are given a semi-structured interview. The method of thematic analysis was chosen to analyse the data. Obtained results showed that loving-kindness meditation through the subjective evaluation of the participants can promote the unfolding of self, vitality and gender identity, concentration of thoughts, self-analysis and improve real communication with loved ones.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2020