Title Klientų aptarnavimo kokybės valdymo modelis viešojo sektoriaus organizacijose /
Translation of Title The quality management model of customer service in public organizations.
Authors Karalienė, Vilija
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Pages 85
Abstract [eng] The Quality Management Model of Customer Service in Public Organizations SUMMARY 85 pages, 19 charts, 29 pictures, 65 references. The aim of the Master’s thesis is to offer an improved customer service quality management model to a public service organization after analyzing the customer service quality management models proposed in the scientific literature and applied in the public sector organization. Methods used for the thesis: analysis of scientific literature, questionnaire survey, qualitative research, descriptive statistical data and synthesis analyzes. The thesis consists of an introduction, three main parts, conclusions with suggestions and a list of references. The first part describes the theoretical aspects of public sector service quality, service quality management, models, trends and legal regulation. Trends in the quality of the global public sector are reviewed, assessing the continuous progress in improving the quality of public service provision, the aim of which is a higher assessment of customer satisfaction with services. The second part presents the research methodology of customer service quality and management tools in a public organization. The third part presents the results of the authorial research and their interpretations. The fourth part of the thesis summarizes the results of literature and authorial research. The quantitative research conducted using the Servqual model methodology revealed differences between customer expectations and the quality of customer service actually experienced (perceived) in a public sector organization. The qualitative research helped to identify problem areas, revealed the quality management tools used in the organization and their impact on operational efficiency. Based on the results of the research, a model for improving the quality management of customer service has been developed.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2020