Title Linguistic representations of the concepts of the body, soul, and spirit in the new testament /
Translation of Title Lingvistinės kūno, sielos ir dvasios konceptų reprezentacijos Naujajame Testamente.
Authors Reznyk, Yana
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Pages 76
Keywords [eng] Concept, body, soul, spirit, New Testament, Septuagint/Sąvoka, kūnas, siela, dvasia, Naujasis Testamentas, Septuagintas
Abstract [eng] Linguistic Representations of the Concepts of the Body, Soul, and Spirit in the New Testament The concepts of soul, spirit and body belong to the basic linguocultural concepts that reflect a human being as the center of the universe, determine the dialectical connection between the material and the spiritual in human nature, and convey information about the world and place of a human being in this world through linguistic tools. The goal of the research is a comprehensive analysis of various representational ways and tools of the concepts of soul, spirit and body in the New Testament. During the research, the method of literature review, linguistic description, lexical and semantic analysis, analysis of vocabulary definitions and contextual and conceptual analysis have been applied. This paper describes representative Western philosophical and scientific ideas regarding the internal and external world of a human being and identifies the main topics that structured the history of the development of the concepts of soul, body and spirit. To identify the conceptual characteristics of the concepts of soul, spirit and body in Greek we turned to the dictionary definitions of these concepts and also included their derivatives, which represent different grammatical categories. The research paper deals with the Greek Bible as the earliest translation of the Hebrew Scriptures. Based on the New Testament ideas about man, we analyzed the linguistic representations of the concepts of soul, spirit and body on the material of the texts of the Synoptic Gospels and Acts of the Apostles, the Corpus of John, as well as the Epistles of the Apostle Paul, James, Peter, and Jude.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2020