Title Ribiniai žodžių darybos reiškiniai. Abreviatūrų, akronimų ir maišinių vieta žodžių darybos sistemoje /
Translation of Title Boundary phenomena of word-formation: the place of abbreviations, acronyms, and blends in word-formation system.
Authors Mierkytė, Greta
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Pages 55
Abstract [eng] Master’s thesis, Boundary Phenomena of Word-Formation. The Place of Abbreviations, Acronyms and Blends in Word-Formation System, analyzes the boundary phenomena of word-formation. The aim of this thesis is to determinate the place of boundary phenomena – abbreviation, acronyms and blends – in the word-formation system, bearing in mind that in the tradition of Linthuanian linguistics this phenomenon is generally eliminated from word-formation (even from lexis). In this thesis some traditional statements of word-formation in Lithuanian are questioned, therefore, it is necessary to clarify the understanding of some of the concepts of word-formation. The first part of the thesis discusses the theoretical basics of word-formation related to the topic of the thesis. The second part discusses the issues of basic word-formation techniques, describes some peripheral ways of word-formation and focuses on the phenomena of shortening in European languages: there are two main types of shortening which are attributable to word-formation – clippings and blends. Clippings are subdivided into abbreviations and acronyms. Materials used for the study were based on the word-formation, dictionaries of various languages, diverse web pages. It has been noticed that in Lithuanian linguistics the concept of word-formation is narrowed to derivation and composition, likewise the main unit of word-formation is neither morpheme, nor derivational opposition, but the type of word-formation. Furthermore, derivational meaning is indeed much wider than lexical. In addition, it seems that there is lack of attention to the principle of language economy, which is, nevertheless, an essential component of derivational meaning. Considering the problems raised in this thesis, an attempt is made to provide a more detailed classification of word formation ways in Lithuanian. By analyzing the boundary phenomena it was possible to discover that, despite abrreviations, acronyms and blends are peripheral ways to make words, they belong to word-formation. This thesis is interesting and useful to linguists and studens who are interested in the focal point of the thesis – abbreviations, acronyms and blends, to be more precise, their functioning and place in the system of word-formation.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2019