Title Lietuvos leidyklų knygos vaikams 2006–2007 m /
Translation of Title Children's books published in lithuanian publishing houses in 2006-2007.
Authors Palygaitė, Daiva
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Pages 138
Abstract [eng] In response to changed standard of living the Lithuanian book publishing transformed by gradually reflecting positive changes in sectors such as book manufacturing, publishing and trade. Those changes of publishing have also involved Lithuanian publishers’ production for children and teenagers. Currently children’s books and their publishing becomes more and more relevant public topic attracting much attention and time. This paper focuses on children and gives much attention to children’s books and their publishers, to be precise. Books for children published in Lithuania in period of 2006-2007 represent the object of this research. The aim of this paper is to assess and examine books for children published by the publishing companies concerned in the period of two years, and to assess the publishing situation in Lithuania considering quantitative and qualitative status of books published for children. To achieve this aim duly, the following tasks were set for the research paper: to investigate and assess Lithuanian publishing companies focused on publishing books for children; to make and present statistical and comparative analysis considering the amount of books published; to find out and compare ratio between the foreign literature in translation and the original literature, number and variety of serial books, and to review the typological aspect of books for children; and to examine criteria based on which parents of preschool and primary-school children purchase books for their children. This research paper used co-scientific technique of documentation analysis, and methods such as generalization, comparison, bibliographic, statistical, quantitative and qualitative data analysis, questionnaire survey that altogether lead to the following conclusion: although there are several tenths of publishers in Lithuania that are involved in publishing books for children, the main pool of children’s literature is being formed only by 10-15 main publishing companies (namely Alma littera, Mūsų knyga, Gimtasis žodis, Šviesa, Egmont Lietuva, Trys nykštukai, Presvika, Rosma, Vaga); most of them have started their operation in the field of publishing rather long ago thus have gained vast experience concerning publishing and marketing of books. The publishing of books for children and teenagers constitutes an inseparable part of the Lithuanian books publishing which is determined by economical and cultural factors of the State development. The numbers of imaginative literature books six times exceed that of educational books however educational books are pretty intensely purchase and read by children of the average age. A rather new phenomenon, the series of books for children, rapidly gains popularity. It is perceived to be quite successfully established in Lithuanian market of books, and is thought to meet interests of both publishers and readers. Attempts to raise and reinforce buying of books and to promote reading among children (especially among young and older teens) are considered to be the main reasons that gave rise to this phenomenon. In result of analysis of trends prevalent in the field of children’s book publishing Lithuania can be considered to have all the preconditions necessary for successful book industry existence and development as it has rather high level of education, deeply rooted traditions of book culture, sufficient amount of readers and experienced publishers. In Lithuania, books for children that account for only one sixth of the total number of annually published books play an important part in fields of culture, science and education, and are able to perform informational, esthetical and educational features required from a book. According to many researchers of children’s literature, books for children are the most important books in the world as they open a window for the young readers to the space of world cognition and understanding.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2009