Abstract [eng] |
The object of this study is scholars personal digital archives. The objectives are: to determine scholars personal digital archives conception; to define the possibilites of preserving scholars personal digital archives (libraries dimension). The goals of this study are: to define a conseption of personal archives; to clear out the circumstances of creating scholars personal digital archives also the situation of preserving these kind of archives; to accomplish the survey of research libraries of Lithuania with the purpose to investigate libraries viewpoint of the posibilities to preserve scholars personal digital archives and the attitude of collaboration with scientists in this area. By using content analysis and questionnary it was settle down that ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) brings new possibilities for scholars to communicate. The possibilities to use ICT wherever and whenever make circumstancies to create big amount and variuos kinds of digital documents. The ICT gives a possibiblity to make a intensive informal scholarly discusions between specialists by using kind of simple forms of communicating like a email, blogs an so on, which serves as a very important medium for shearing the ideas and spreading the new knowledge. In this sittuation there is no possibility to draw a strict line between personal and prefessional archives, because personal archives may contain the elements of profession area documents and vice versa. So the definition of personal digital archive goes beyond the line of real perosnal archive. That of course, brings a bit of mess in preserving such kind of records. The fast obsolescence of ICT and usage of various kinds of mediums makes the preserving question even more complicated. That is way the interuption of other element in the preservation process is needed. The research libraries are considered as the most capabable of doing it, because they act in the are of new knowledge creation, scholarly processes. To investigate a situation in Lithuania as a testbed it was used the analysis of data of Lithuanian‘s research libraries. It was find out that specialists in Lithuania do understand the value of preserving these kind of archives. But they do not value all kind of records of personal scholarly archives, esspecially not so traditional forms of records as personal web pages or blogs. Also the lack of practise in the area of digital preservation determine the disability to identify most valuable records ( or forms of these records) and the most suitable ways of remedy to keep those archives accesible until it contains the value. |