Title Pagėgių regioninio aukšto apatinės dalies stratigrafija ir konodontai /
Translation of Title Stratigraphy and conodonts of the lower part of the pagėgiai regional stage.
Authors Kravčionok, Žana
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Pages 32
Abstract [eng] Contemporary the Pagėgių regional stage of the lower part of Ludlowian series spreading her stratigraphic volume and correlation in sediment basin raise of much doubt. To the make preliminary conodonts prospecting show, what mention problems demand the stratigraphic and biostratigraphic prospecting essence. This regional stage is binomial, which in lower part of the Eastern Lithuanian section form Usėnų and Rūkų members. Turn to the Eastern direction from their gradually change lower members of Lapgirių formation, but her change Mituvos and Pramedžiuvos formations. This is regional stage lower part litologic correlation not be matched with existing biostratigraphic data. Fundamental work purpose is that ground conodonts prospecting expose the Pagėgių regional stage in the lower part (Mituvoa formation and their analog) part the biostratigraphy, and determine her spreading limit and make this ages rocks section correlation in all Lithuania scale and expose possibility lead stage boundary. The lower part of section from Middle Lithuania Pagėgių regional stage in lower part of conodonts zone O.wimani – Pelekysgnathus sp. A. with stratigraphical gap stratified on the conodonts zone O.b.bohemica (lower part of Dubysa regional stage). Pursuant to lithological ir palaeontological data will be expedient Pagėgių regional stage resolve them in two parts – how separate regional subdivisions –stages.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2010