Title Giliosios smegenų stimuliacijos taikymas atsparaus gydymui Tureto sindromui: literatūros apžvalga /
Translation of Title The use of deep brain stimulation in treatment-refractory Tourette syndrome - a literature review.
Authors Jasionytė, Gabija
DOI 10.53453/ms.2024.1.2
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Is Part of Medicinos mokslai = Journal of medical sciences.. Kėdainiai : VšĮ Lietuvos sveikatos mokslinių tyrimų centras. 2024, vol. 12, iss. 1, p. 10-18.. eISSN 2345-0592
Keywords [eng] Tourette syndrome ; treatment-refractory ; Deep Brain Stimulation
Abstract [eng] Background: Tourette syndrome is a neurologic condition characterised by multiple motor and one or several phonic tics. The syndrome is typically associated with psychiatric comorbidities, including obsessive-compulsive disorder/behaviour and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Although behavioural and pharmacological treatments for Tourette syndrome are available, there are patients that do not respond to the treatments. In treatment-refractory Tourette syndrome cases, Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) has emerged as a promising intervention. Aim: to conduct a literature review on the use of Deep Brain Stimulation in Tourette syndrome, focusing on the indications and effectiveness of the method. Methods: a literature review was conducted on the PubMed database, using the keywords: „Tourette syndrome“, „treatment-refractory“, „Deep Brain Stimulation“. Articles published in the last 10 years in English were selected for the analysis. Results: DBS is a relatively new method in the treatment of Tourette syndrome and is used in rare and special cases. The indications are based on clinical symptoms – very frequent tics that may be severe in nature and nonresponsive to medication. DBS has been proven to have a positive effect on both motor and phonic tics in cases that have been refractory to conventional treatments. Conclusion: Tourette syndrome is a chronic neuropsychiatric disorder characterised by motor and phonic tics that can substantially diminish the quality in life of affected individuals. In rare cases the patients‘ symptoms are nonresponsive to common treatment methods. An emerging treatment method, DBS, has a positive effect in reducing symptoms in treatment-refractory cases of Tourette syndrome thus improving the overall life quality of patients.
Published Kėdainiai : VšĮ Lietuvos sveikatos mokslinių tyrimų centras
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024
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