Title Prekyba žmonėmis: baudžiamieji teisiniai ir kriminologiniai aspektai /
Translation of Title Human trafficking: legal and criminological aspects.
Authors Bruzgienė, Greta
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Pages 63
Abstract [eng] Human trafficking – is one of the most serious organized crimes rapidly spreading throughout the world. 600 – 800 thousands of men, women are children are sold every year, most of them for sexual exploitation. Numbers of detected and registered cases, however, are much smaller. Numbers of persons convicted for this crime are even more smaller. With the view to find out cause reasons of the phenomena this paper presents thorough analysis of criminological and legal aspects of the human trafficking. The paper analyzes concept of the human trafficking, presents detailed analysis of the legal elements of this crime, surveys related case law, indicates its flawed trends, and presents short evaluations of the criminalization of this crime. The final part of the paper studies correlation of the human trafficking and the organized crime as well as other criminal acts such as corruption, illegal migration, prostitution, forgery of documents and money laundering. The paper analyzes cause reasons of human trafficking, also presents victimological picture of a victim, and discusses possible and available preventive and postventive measures.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2009