Title Nusikaltimai seksualinio apsisprendimo laisvei ir neliečiamumui pagal Lietuvos Respublikos BK ir kitų valstybių įstatymus (lyginamasis tyrimas) /
Translation of Title Crimes against freedom of sexual self-determination and immunity under the criminal code of lithuania and the laws of other countries (the comparative analysis).
Authors Lilaitė, Eglė
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Pages 70
Abstract [eng] Summary This work analyses the criminal acts which are included in the XXI chapter of Lithuanian Republic Criminal Code, named „Crimes and criminal misdoings against freedom of sexual self-determination and immunity“(in Lithuanian - „Nusikaltimai ir baudžiamieji nusižengimai žmogaus seksualinio apsisprendimo laisvei ir neliečiamumui“), also these criminal acts are compared with the criminal acts of the same group, which are included in the criminal codes and acts of different foreign countries. Firstly this work analyses the system, insecurity and historical development of these criminal acts. The biggest part of this work is set on the comparative analysis of the criminal composition of the criminal acts, included in Lithuanian Criminal Code, which violates person's sexual self – determination and sexual immunity with the criminal composition of the criminal acts of the same group, included in the criminal codes and acts of various foreign countries (USA, Canada, Germany, France, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Poland, Latvia, Estonia and some other). For the precise and consequent research, each of the criminal acts with its composition, stated in the XXI chapter of the Lithuanian Criminal Code was discussed and analysed separately. In the end of this work some conclusions are made and according to the criminal codes and criminal law of the other countries some offers about the perfection of the XXI chapter of the Lithuanian Criminal Code are made.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2009