Title Edukacijos pobūdis Lietuvos nacionaliniame ir Lietuvos dailės muziejuose /
Translation of Title Foundation of museum education in lithuanian national and art museum.
Authors Kopač, Renata
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Pages 92
Abstract [eng] The museum-based education is being successfully implemented in Lithuania for ten years already. The effect, high quality and achievements of the activities of Lithuanian National Museum and Lithuanian Art Museum in the sphere of education are evident. The activities of the said Museums are oriented to education that conforms to the trends usual for world museums. Stressing its importance for the society and using various forms of educative activities, the Museums settle various problems of education and training of the young generation as well as solve tasks of informal education. In course of developing new methods and programmes, they implement the principal functions of the museum-based education. Lithuanian National Museum and Lithuanian Art Museum purposefully form the contents of their educative activities that conform to their determined missions and strategies. The educative activities at national museums becomes more wide and interesting annually. The educational programmes of Lithuanian National Museum are the ones of historical character. They are bound with Lithuanian history and ethnic culture. It is evident that they are helpful in conveying the human values and strengthening the national identity. Lithuanian Art Museum implements the goals of the museum-based education using the stocks of its artistic works, successfully develops new methods and programmes applying them for various groups of visitors. Although the collections and expositions of values disposed by Lithuanian National Museum and Lithuanian Art Museum differ, it may be stated that needs related to the museum-based education expressed by teachers of history and arts as well as by pupils inspire partially similar contents and the same forms of the museum-based education. The experience of Lithuanian National Museum and Lithuanian Art Museum can be considered typological to be followed by other historical and art museums in their educative activities. On developing new contexts of educative activities, it would be useful to combine subjects of museum-based education programmes with general education programmes, to provide an opportunity of deepening the knowledge of pupils in arts, history and other subjects by using primary sources. It is necessary to form a group of museum employees and teachers for developing methods and management standards for the education process in Lithuania usable in the museum-based education. Seeking to ensure and improve organizing of the museum-based education in Lithuania, the strategy of the activities of museums in this important sphere should be developed. In determining the relations between the museums and learning process, the position and priorities should be chosen and co-operation with international organizations engaged in museum-based education should be required.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2009