Title Public libraries‘ social and economic impact on users /
Translation of Title Viešųjų bibliotekų socialinis ir ekonominis poveikis vartotojams.
Authors Rutkauskienė, Ugnė
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Pages 19
Keywords [eng] impact assessment ; public internet access ; research methods
Abstract [eng] The object of the dissertation is the impact of public libraries on users. The research is aiming at answering the question what is the impact of library public access computing on users and how can we evaluate it. The objectives of the dissertation are solved in three parts. The first part discusses definitions of impact, theoretical models and frameworks of its assessment and reviews the literature on impact evaluation in librarianship, highlighting the similarities and differences of general impact assessment concept and its adoption in librarianship. The second part presents the methodology of empirical study including target groups, methods, sampling, data collection and analyses. The third part describes study results which are summarized in the conclusions. The annexes provide additional information on research methodology as well as the extended results and research instruments.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2009