Title Evaluation and detection chronic kidney disease risk factors after partial nephrectomy /
Authors Makevičius, Jurijus ; Kirstukaitė, Beata ; Čekauskas, Albertas ; Želvys, Arūnas ; Ulys, Albertas ; Miglinas, Marius ; Jankevičius, Feliksas
DOI 10.1016/S2666-1683(22)00645-0
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Is Part of European urology open science: 7th Baltic Meeting in conjunction with the EAU.. Amsterdam : Elsevier BV. 2022, vol. 40, suppl. 1, art. no. 12, p. S20.. ISSN 2666-1683
Published Amsterdam : Elsevier BV
Type Conference paper
Language English
Publication date 2022
CC license CC license description