Title Immediate prepectoral implant-based breast reconstruction for breast cancer patients /
Translation of Title Vienmomentė prepektoralinė krūtų rekonstrukcija implantais pacientams, sergantiems krūties vėžiu.
Authors Ostapenko, Edvin
DOI 10.15388/vu.thesis.592
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Pages 123
Keywords [eng] Implant-based breast reconstruction ; prepectoral ; radiotherapy
Abstract [eng] The aim of this dissertation was to provide the evidence for the oncological safety, to evaluate results of combined treatment and quality of life, and to optimize surgical technique in NSM following immediate prepectoral IBBR for BC patients. The dissertation consists of an introduction, literature review, methods, results, discussion, conclusions, reference list, summary, and author's publications. Performed scientific research confirm the thesis that variations in surgical approaches did not affect oncologic outcomes in immediate prepectoral IBBR. Data revealed that the IMF technique is a preferable method for cup A-B sized breasts with ptosis grade 0-I in BC patients after immediate prepectoral IBBR. The inverted-T technique is a preferable method for cup C-D sized breasts with ptosis grade II-III in BC patients after immediate prepectoral IBBR. The dissertation results showed that patients in the PMRT group had statistically higher rates of implant loss and capsular contracture, than non-irradiated patients regardless of the surgical approach in immediate prepectoral IBBR.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2024